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Medline Povidone Iodine (PVP) Scrub Solution


$109.99 - $259.99
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Medline Povidone Iodine (PVP) Scrub Solution at Harmony. Fast Shipping. USA Product Support. Checkout with Your Business UPS/FedEx Account. View full description
$109.99 - $259.99


Medline ReadyScrub Povidone Iodine (PVP) Scrub Solution

Tap into the elemental power of iodine to crush germs and treat minor wounds. Povidone iodine is bactericidal against gram-positive and gram-negative organisms, fungi, viruses. Meets CDC, AORN, and APIC guidelines for skin antisepsis. 7.5% PVP scrub is ideal for patient pre-op skin prep and surgical hand scrubbing.

  • Medline topical antiseptic scrub solutions are antimicrobial solutions with surfactants, and contain 7.5% weight by volume povidone iodine solution equivalent to 0.75% available iodine.
  • Effective for skin and mucous membrane preparation prior to surgical procedures.
  • Non-irritating to skin, wounds and mucosa when used as directed.
  • Intended for use on the body only
  • PVP scrub bottles available in 5 differrent sizes:
    • 4 oz. bottles, packaged 48 bottles per case.
    • 8 oz. bottle, packaged 24 bottles per case.
    • 16 oz. bottle, packaged 24 bottles per case.
    • 32 oz. bottle, packaged 12 per bottles per case.
    • 1 gallon jug, packaged 4 jugs per case.

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